For Radio stations when considering advertising

To radio stations
This is a copy of a letter in response to a recent ad campaigns being run by radio stations that pander  to the lowest common denominator of society.

I understand your need to run a music radio station, your need to sell ads to pay the bills and to profit, I also understand that  your station has a limited appeal.

Do you need , is it absolutely necessary, to run ads that are repulsive to a significant amount of the population?  If you don't hear many complaints, it is because no one is listening.

I get that you like nudity etc, everyone gets that.  We collectively understand your fascination with nudity, it's not a new concept, and it grows old fast in the real world.

Do you think that families and women like to see ads that depict them in a sexual manner 24/7?  Do you really believe it serves your station?  Do you honestly believe it does your advertisers any good?

Does it do any good for your station to turn off a significant portion of the population from listening to a radio station that people avoid because of content.

Wouldn't it best serve a radio station if all would listen to the station without fear of being offended?

 These types of advertising tactics will always be met with objection.  When  people drive down  a roadway with their families they do not want to be blasted with content that sends a clear and demeaning and degrading message about women.

Sexual content is not for public consumption on any level that has benefited mankind, in fact statistics might prove otherwise.

I am asking that your radio station considers the entire population when advertising over the air waves and roadways.

One of millions,

Additional information
Regarding Vulgarity in advertising and recent ads by local radio stations.

The stations are making the mistake thinking that the content that they are using is agreeable to all.  That is a mistake and very far from the truth.

There are laws being passed in Britain to prevent people from being bombarded by messages from media with in your face vulgar lifestyles that belong elsewhere and not on the airwaves or billboards or websites.

Does Canada need to make laws here to keep a few from trying to shove their lifestyle down the throat of many who are unwilling victims by merely driving down a roadway or tuning into a radio station and being bombarded by unnecessary content.

Will do everything in my power and work with advertisers.

The advertiser I am talking about is a hardcore strip club, owned by a man who owns another even sleezier club as well and specializes in selling the allure, promise or vision of sex and tries to disguise it as just a fun place to hang out in his advertising. In other words a front for prostitution.  And Astral Media, the biggest media corporation is the owner.

The ad was about women going without panties under their miniskirts and going to the club. This is a misleading ad.  Women aren't told in that ad that it is a common strip club for men.
It is against the law to mislead in an advertisement in Canada.

What is happening is: the wants of a few are trying to infiltrate the wants
of many.  That is they are trying to shove their lifestyle down the throats
of many unsuspecting people who are merely driving down a roadway, surfing
for information, or tuning a radio dial or tv station.

I asked my son what is the best radio station in Edmonton, he said "There aren't any".
He's a second year univeristy student.

People don't want outrageous in advertising, they want advertising that works for all.