I appreciate the education I am getting about ad standards in Canada and the self governing body of ad Standards Canada.
Regarding the vulgar and degrading ads on an Edmonton radio station, can you define degrading? Degrading is in the code for your organization. You did not address that part, or explain that part of this advertisement in question. Women are being portrayed and degraded and asked to do degrading things in public. The listener is made to believe that it is a "fun" activity to do as the ad says to do. Ads want you to do what they say, that is what advertising is for.
It is not ok to portray a woman as only a pair of breasts, no head, no body, no soul, no feelings, no heart, no face. That is degrading to women to be portrayed as a mere body part, which is sexual to men in our culture.
To do what the other ad suggests is ok. Go without underpants to a club, there will be men listening to the ad too, will they show up without their pants?
Children and youth hear these ads. Does the Ad Standards Canada believe that ads which depict vulgarity and profanity as a lifestyle to be a common practice for all? That it is fair game to advertise in a manner that can affect society in a negative Manner?
I am not talking censorship here, I am talking about the very code as set out.
The words in the code need to be clearly defined to advertisers, as they seem to be open to interpretation and people get offended by them because they are not clearly defined as a result. There is a trickle down affect from these types of ads, hence Ad Standards Canada had to be formed.
Why is this case not available for appeal. What is the criteria for an appeal?
Is it possible to discuss with the Ad Standards Canada organization of the possibility of having advertisers more transparent, more responsible. Advertisers should me made to include these words on their ads:
Please call Ad standards Canada to report any offensive advertising at 111-222-1234 or write to Ad Standards Canada at adstandardscanada.com.
I am interested in becoming a public advocate for Ad Standards Canada, how can I make this happen.
Doreen Savoie